By: Ashleigh & Dr. Jones
Thanksgiving is about two turkey gobbles away. We would like to take a few moments to give thanks to the people that make it possible for us to do what we love to do. Our Dental Labs There are many dental labs from which to choose, but we feel that we have some of the best in the area. We are very supportive of small, local businesses, like our own business. We do not send cases out to large, high volume, national or international dental labs. Our dental lab technicians have known us for over 10 years and work with Dr. Jones to make beautiful and functional crowns and bridges, implant crowns, well-made occlusal (night) guards, partial and complete dentures and other dental restorative prostheses. They also have many years of experience to help us with the more challenging cases and work with Dr. Jones on individual cases that need a little more time and attention for the perfect custom result. Thank you for your beautiful work and help. Thank you for the rush cases. Thank you for phone consultations. We appreciate your craftsmanship and value the relationships we've developed over the last 10 years. Our Team It goes without saying that team is extremely important! We have a fantastic, strong and fun group of women who work together at this office and support our patients and each other. We enjoy spending time together not only during office hours, but for the occasional happy hour! We laugh that even though someone leaves the practice, they really don't leave. We have long lasting relationships with team members that have moved or changed careers and we are grateful for that! Courtney is truly an expert Registered Dental Hygienist. She is thorough, but gentle. She gives us tough love when it comes to periodontal issues. She offers customized recommendations for your home care routine and honest feedback that can help you improve and have your most beautiful, healthy smile! We really lucked out when we found her nearly five years ago! Jamie has been Dr. Jones right-hand woman for the last year. As a chairside assistant, there are many things that go on "behind the scenes" to keep Dr. Jones running efficiently all day. Jamie is also great with patients that need a little more encouragement and TLC when in Dr. Jones' chair, and she can talk you through an impression and be a hand holder if you need one. Linda is a face that you don't see very often. However, when you do see it, please know that we are very thankful! It means that she is filling in for Jamie, or me (Ashleigh). It is so incredibly helpful to have someone that can fill in as a chair-side assistant or front-office. These two jobs are very different, and very demanding in different ways. Linda also brings us a great sense of humor and makes us laugh...which is what we need once in a while! Our Specialists We are very fortunate to have outstanding specialists to whom we can refer our patients for treatment such as root canal therapy, oral surgery, orthodontics, specialized periodontal care, etc. Our office happens to be in a building that has some of those great dental specialty offices just a hallway or elevator-ride away! It is important to us that you see a specialist that not only is a clinical expert in what they do, but who treat our patients very well, and have a great support staff. We also have great specialists around the Overland Park, Leawood, Prairie Village area, because we know that sometimes location is a factor in a patient's decision. Our Keurig coffee maker Without our Keurig, we'd have a very tired Doctor and Office Manager! We've had the same Keurig in our office for 6-7 years. It is confusing and sometimes temperamental, but who isn't some days?! Thanks for the great coffee and the caffeine boost :) Our Patients You know I would not end this blog by thanking a coffee machine, right?! We can never say it enough: Thank you for being a part of this dental practice. We truly love doing what we do. The surveys and reviews that we receive make us smile and we are so very grateful for you helping grow our practice by sharing our name with family, friends and co-workers. Thank you for sharing your stories with us when you are in the chair and developing relationships with us that we truly value. As Dr. Jones and I sit down at our parents' table on Thanksgiving, we will be sharing a special cheers of thanks to all of you. All of you that make this job worth doing! Have a happy, fun, safe Thanksgiving. For those traveling, we wish you clear roads, short airport lines and LOTS OF PUMPKIN PIE!!!
AuthorsAli Jones, D.D.S. - Dentist Archives
November 2021