By: Ashleigh
This is a short week for us here at Alison Jones, DDS. We will see patients today and tomorrow, but will be off from Wednesday, November 27th through Monday, December 2nd (returning that morning). One thing that we have enjoyed talking to our patients about in recent weeks is what everyone is doing for Thanksgiving. Many of our patients will be braving the airport lines and roads to travel to see family and friends, while others are looking forward to having loved ones come visit them here in the Kansas City area. My husband and I just bought what we call our "forever house." I am excited to host this year at my new dining room table! I am pretty sure that I inherited the love of hosting large amounts of people from my grandmother and mom, who are pretty good at it! Although I have assisted in the cooking of turkeys many times, this will be my first attempt to do it all myself this Thursday. I asked some of the people around the office what they loved about Thanksgiving and here are some of the things that we love: Dr. Jones: "Everything related to pumpkin spice! Pie, bread, coffee...I give thanks for pumpkin spice!" Jennifer: "I love dressing (aka, stuffing). I make it homemade in a pan from my grandma." Courtney: "I like hanging out with my family!" What are your family traditions, or some of your favorite Thanksgiving foods? Have you had any funny food failures that I can learn from before Wish me luck! I took out a 21 lb. turkey from the freezer this morning...crossing my fingers that it will be defrosted by Thursday morning! Happy Thanksgiving! Have a wonderful day with your family and friends!
By: Ashleigh
Almost everyone has a night routine that they do before going to bed. Hopefully, EVERYONE includes a good brushing and flossing after all snacks and drinks are consumed. You hear it from your hygienist and your dentist..."Brush twice a day for two minutes each time." Did you know that one of the most important times to brush is right before going to bed? This includes napping! When you are sleeping, your mouth slows the production of saliva. This drier environment allows for bacteria to attack any sugar/starch particles remaining on your teeth. This creates more acid, which wears down the enamel protecting teeth. When the breakdown becomes significant, a cavity is formed. If you like your dessert at the end of the night, but do not brush and go straight to bed, the sugar and starches are breeding grounds for the bacteria to thrive. It is also important to limit sipping on sugary and acidic drinks or eating snacks ALL DAY LONG. Give your teeth a break! Drinking water throughout the day helps because it helps wash away the acid and buildup of bacteria. So enjoy your late night snack...just be sure to brush and floss right before going to bed! By: Ashleigh
Growing up, I had a gap in my front teeth. It really made me self-critical and never made me smile big or laugh a big Julie Roberts style laugh. I covered my smile with my hand. My family would list off all the actresses and models that had gaps and are confident, but that never made me feel better about my teeth. Then I got braces. Most school-aged children dread braces and complain, but I was complaining that I was not going soon enough! Finally, my senior year of high school it was my turn to get them. I didn't care that my senior pictures would forever show my silvery smile. In fact, I smiled A LOT with braces! For me, it was the beginning of a confident transformation. There is a question on our Health History form that always gets various answers, "How do you feel about your smile?" Here are some of the responses: "Good." "Don't like it." "OK." "Needs assistance." "Beautiful!" "I think they need to be more white." "Confident." "Bad." "Yuck!" "Great!" Those little statements can tell us a lot in just a few words. There is something that is very powerful about smiles. They are welcoming, comforting and make you and others feel good. Be sure that you are keeping yours not only beautiful, but HEALTHY! Brush two times a day for two minutes each time, floss once a day and VISIT your dentist at least twice a year. Not only will the dentist and dental team keep your teeth and gums healthy, but your dentist can help create the smile you want. Most of our patients know that if they have a problem, tooth ache, or need their teeth cleaned that they should call us. However, many patients do not know that Dr. Jones can work with you to redesign your smile for a more aesthetic look. Improving the appearance of your smile can be just as valuable as fixing a broken tooth. Some examples of aesthetic enhancement include: teeth whitening, veneers, or bonding spaces and gaps with tooth colored filling material. If there is something that you do not like about your smile, it is worth asking Dr. Jones what options are available to change what you do not like. Recently, our hygienist Lynne had her 6 front teeth restored for a big aesthetic change. If you have any questions or want to see her smile, she would be happy to share with you. If you would like to meet with Dr. Jones for a Smile Consultation, please call us at 913-491-0077 or email us at [email protected]. From someone who knows what it is like to hide a smile, it can be a life changing experience! |
AuthorsAli Jones, D.D.S. - Dentist Archives
November 2021